27 June 2011

Interview with the first iPhone lucky buyer 2 to the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in New York

Interview with the first iPhone lucky buyer 2 to the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in New York Tube. Duration : 27.32 Mins.

Interview with the first iPhone lucky buyer 2 to the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in New York. Интервью с первым покупателем iPad2 в Нью-Йорке

Keywords: ipad2, ipad, new, yor, apple, store, at, 5th, ave, first, buyer, of, interview, famous, chizhny, чиж, пиндосия, pindosiya, Manhattan, ipod, iphone, touch, 4th, politics, television series, protests, july, protesters, stadium, carnival, fiesta, boxing, football, soccer

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