15 July 2010

Apple IPAD - is the end of the road to eReaders?

Apple has finally unveiled their version of eReaders. The IPAD Apple is not as easy as most of the electronic reading devices on the market. In fact, it is more of a mini-Tablet PC than anything else. E 'out a lot of speculation about' s Apple, along with a lot of hype. For months we have to say the IPAD was not until January 28, 2010, when it was revealed.

Currently, IPAD is not for sale. It has just been exposedand is not for sale in April. Can not be used by the general public as the product should be stored in a sample capacity still in place. The question is, who seem IPAD eReaders end of the road for maybe a little premature, but we need to investigate what we already know.

What we know is that the IPAD as a very large version of the iPod Touch looks like. It features an aluminum back, a design half-inch thick and 10-inch screen. The screen is surrounded by a black frame. And 'the standard iPod /iPhone takes only a Home button at the bottom. Apple is introducing the IPAD with two levels of memory. There are 16 concerts and the memory of 64 gigs. The 64 Gigs of memory to offer Wi-Fi and 3G mobile communications. AT & T 3G connection for $ 15 per month and 250 MB or $ 30 for unlimited data transfer. There is no contract with AT & T for this. You just have to give notice to the service, if desired.

The IPAD Apple is $ 499 for the concert version 16 and $ 830 for 64Concert version. IPAD Consumers can surf the Internet, read e-mail, send e-mail and read eBooks. You can also use Skype for phone calls IPAD, though perhaps a bit 'weird.

As an electronic reader, the most important factor is certainly the IPAD provides. He has a good size screen as the Kindle. It also offers color and requires no external lighting. Unfortunately, the price of the eBook for $ 10 each can not be sold,but you still have some low-cost eBooks for download. Battery life is 10 hours, if not more than reading books with the eReader software on IPAD provided.

The only thing to check, the reference Apple IPAD as eReader and good investment in memory. Most eReaders currently working with 16-64 GB of memory. The IPAD the same features with more options, so the memory can really help eBooks? If only 3500 on Kindle eBook download with 64 appearancesdoes not seem to use the multi-IPAD offers enough space for all activities that you want to be fair, the more the cost is quite high. That is not the end of eReaders.

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