26 July 2011

A list of the different varieties of apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but the many types of apples in the number of tens, and you can get a doctor for testing, everyone must learn by heart. The list of different varieties of apples narrows the selection of some of the most popular, but also to serve with some recommendations for them.


Among its name from Cortland County, New York, this is a mid-season varieties of apple that comes out in mid-September. HeEasy to peel skin, bright red with yellow stripes and gray-green spots fragrant white meat that has not faded, even when cut. An all-purpose apple, it is recommended for use in the oven apple pies and apple sauce.

A list of the different varieties of apples


An early October, mid-season apple, the Empire is a cross between McIntosh and Red Delicious apple varieties. Round and medium-sized businesses with mottled skin and creamy white flesh of this apple-roundparticularly good for salads and apple sauce.


True to its name, the Golden Delicious yellow skin and sweet, juicy, semi-firm flesh. Very fragile, has a tendency to shrink and bruises, and so must be treated with care. In the season from autumn to winter, is used in pies, salads, butter, apple juice and apple.


It is named after Mary Ann Serwood Smith (1799-1870), who first planted in 1868. The Granny Smith applelight green skin and a more difficult than other apples in color. It 'a favorite for use in salads and desserts.


Not after the computer (probably vice versa), the name of this variety of apple named after John McIntosh, who has discovered on his farm in 1811. The season begins in mid-September, his skin is dark red with green stripes and has a crisp, juicy, tasty meat. And 'favorite cake, apple juice and apple juice.


A late season apple harvest in mid-October, the Red Delicious has finally been seen by some as The Great American Apple account. Often eaten out of hand, the reasons for his name may be at hand.


The product of scientific breeding, the Spartan kind of a cross between the McIntosh apple, and as yet unspecified. With skin dark red, white and mottled, and medium to large in size, all-purpose apple IThisis sweeter and sharper as the father of McIntosh.

In addition to those mentioned above, is list of different variaties apple and so on. Nutritious and delicious, are the different types of apples as many different ways to consume it, offers a variety of options to enjoy what is perhaps the most popular of all fruits. If you have an apple a day, you could also try a different way each time.

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